ColorPoint Standards

The coat shall be a deep brown from the spine fading down to dark tan/brown under the belly, without any sudden change in color. Points shall be dark sepia (as near to black as possible) or a deep chocolate brown. Points shall contrast in color. The shading should be gradual and pleasantly blended away from all points, except the tail. Nose point to shade out over face.
Shall be dark, large and bright, with lighter eye fur circles blended in shading.
Ears are distinctly colored with the point color.
Shall match the point color.
The feet shall match other points to the first leg joint. Toenails shall match the point color.
Faded or off color; fur of any other color in the coat; toenails not of the correct color; light feet or other points; white furs in any of the points; a white bib under chin or white above the lips; white hairs in the tail or feet.
CP Agouti

The overall appearance is a white belly gerbil with cinnamon coloring and nicely shaded points. The top coat should be pure white with even cinnamon ticking, and the roots shall be medium brown. The belly should be white and there should be a clear line of demarcation between the top color and the belly with no intermingling of the colors. The width of the white underbelly is approximately half that of the upper colored coat and just visible when the animal is viewed in profile.The nose shall appear slightly darker than the rest of the body.
The eyes shall be dark.
The ears should be brown covered with fine white hair and shall appear darker than the rest of the body.
The whiskers should be white and brown.
The feet should be white with dark brown nails.
The tail should be darker than the body having gold fur heavily ticked with black and brown hairs. The underside of the tail should have no ticking.
Insufficient ticking; color tending toward gray or yellow; toenails not of the correct color; molt line.
CP Nutmeg

The coat of the back should be white down to the roots with heavy, even colored cinnamon ticking. The color will fade toward the sides of the animal to produce a dusting of light tan ticking on the belly. The shading should be gradual and pleasantly blended away from all points, except the tail, which will contrast with shading.The nose shall appear darker than the rest of the body.
Shall be dark, surrounded with light cinnamon fur.
The ears shall appear darker than the rest of the body.
Shall be white, long and bristling.
Feet shall appear darker than the rest of the body. Toenails shall be tan to brown in color.
The tail shall be the same as the body but darker with heavy ticking.
Lack of or light ticking; feet are not noticeably darker than belly, especially in a mature animal; molt line; white or black toenails; a white bib under chin or white above the lips.
CP Slate

The coat shall be a deep gray/brown from the spine down to dark tan/brown under the belly. The shading should be gradual and pleasantly blended away from all points, except the tail, which will contrast with shading. Points shall be dark sepia (as near to black as possible). Body behind ears to start of tail fur roots will be slightly darker color shading, without any sudden change of color. Nose point to shade out over face with ears distinctly colored, light eye circles blended in shading.
Shall be dark, large and bright.
Ears are distinctly colored.
Shall match the point color.
The feet shall match other points to the first leg joint. Toenails shall match the point color.
Off color fur; fur of any other color in the coat; toenails not of the correct color; light points; white furs in the tail or any of the other points; a white bib under chin or white above the lips. Black toenails.
Dark Tailed White

The coat shall be a pure white down to the roots throughout the body with the exception of point areas. The points can be any of the recognized standard colors. The shading should be gradual and pleasantly blended away from all points, except the tail. Ideally, the nose should be darker than the body, shading out over face.
Shall be pink, large and bright.
The ears should be of point coloring and covered with short, fine fur of point coloring.
Shall be white, long and bristling.
Ideally, the feet should be of point coloring. Toenails shall match the color of the foot.
Shall be of point coloring throughout.
White fur in the points; fur of any other color in the coat; staining;

The overall appearance is light silver gray with nicely shaded points. Coat should be a lighter shade of gray than the Gray Agouti. The top coat should be pure white with even gray ticking, and the roots shall be medium gray. There will be increased ticking on the nose and the rump which should be evenly blended in the coat to make the points appear shaded. The belly should be white. The nose shall appear slightly darker than the rest of the body.
Eyes shall be dark.
Ears should be medium gray covered with fine white hair.
The whiskers should be white and light gray.
The feet should be white with medium brown nails.
The tail should be darker than the body, having white fur heavily ticked with black and gray hairs. The underside of the tail should have no ticking.
Cinnamon, tan or gold fur; toenails not of the correct color; molt line.

The coat shall be a rich beige with a silvery tint without molt lines or light patches. Points (i.e., tail, feet, ears and nose) shall be dark sepia, as near to black as possible, or chocolate brown. The shading should be gradual and pleasantly blended away from all points, except the tail. Points shall contrast in color. Body from behind ears to start of tail fur roots shall be slightly darker color shading without any sudden change of color down to a pale beige belly.
Shall be dark, large and bright.
Ears shall match the point color.
Shall match the point color.
Shall match other points to the first leg joint. Toenails shall match the point color.
Low contrast between coat and points; off color coat; fur of any other color in the coat; molting; toenails not of the correct color; light feet; white furs in any of the points; a white bib under the chin or white above the lips.