White Belly Standards

The top color shall be a golden brown color, evenly covered with black ticking over the back and sides and carried down to a dark gray at the roots. The belly fur shall be as white as possible. There must be a clear line of demarcation between the golden top color and the white underbelly, with no intermingling of the colors or tendency for either color to cut into the other. The width of the white portion is approximately half the width of the colored upper coat, and just visible when the animal is viewed in profile. A line of unticked golden fur shall run right along the demarcation line and extend down the outside of the legs.
Shall be jet black and encircled with distinctive gray fur.
Shall be covered with fine light gray fur bordered with a soft gold to reddish fur and free from ticking.
: Shall be black on top and white below the demarcation line.
Should be white, with a pure white foot desirable. Toenails shall be black in color.
The top side of the tail shall have the same coloring as the body, ticked with black and showing a ridge of longer black furs beginning mid-way between the tip and the root and ending in an almost black tuft.
Dull or faded coat; lack of ticking; toenails not of the correct color; lack of a clear, gold line of demarcation.
Argente Cream

The coat shall be a light apricot color with a silvery cast throughout. There should be no tendency to golden or yellow. There must be a clear line of demarcation between the cream top color and the white belly color with no intermingling of the two colors or tendency for either color to cut into the other. The width of the white underbelly is approximately half that of the upper argente cream coat and just visible when the animal is viewed in profile. Cream furs shall run down the outside of the legs. The undercoat shall be light silver-gray throughout.
Shall be ruby large and bright.
Shall be covered with fine cream fur.
Shall be white, long and bristling.
The feet shall be white. Toenails shall be neutral in color.
Shall be apricot throughout its length to match the color of the upper body. A ridge of longer white furs shall run along the upper surface of the tail beginning midway between the tip and root and forming a tuft at the tip.
Off color fur or fur of any other color in the coat; toenails not of the correct color.
Argente Golden

The coat shall be a rich orange color, not tending to brassiness (yellow-gold) or reddishness, without ticking or shading. There shall be a clear line of demarcation between the top color and the white belly color with no intermingling of the two colors, or tendency for either color to cut into the other. The width of the white portion is approximately half the width of the colored upper coat, and just visible when the animal is viewed in profile. The undercoat shall be a blue-gray throughout. Eyes: Shall be ruby, large and bright.
Shall be ruby, large and bright.
Shall be covered with short soft fine golden fur.
Shall be silver, long and bristling.
Should be white, with a pure white foot desirable. Toenails shall be neutral in color.
Shall be orange throughout its length to match the color of the upper body. A ridge of longer white furs shall run along the upper surface of the tail, beginning mid-way between the tip and the root and forming a tuft at the tip.
Dull or faded coloring; fur of any other color in the coat; ticking; toenails not of the correct color.
Dark Eyed Honey

The coat shall be deep orange-gold color shading from the spine to the belly, which should be white. There must not be a clear demarcation between the top color and the white belly color. The shading should extend to the head with the forehead being darker and the color reducing towards the eyes, ears and chin. There should be dark ticking running along the spine, across the rump and along the tail. Allowance should be given to pups that may not have fully developed ticking. The undercoat shall be yellow.
Shall be black, large and bright, surrounded by clear circles of lighter color fur.
Shall be dark and covered with short soft fine white fur.
Long and bristling. The top most whiskers shall be dark shading down to the lowest whiskers, which shall be white.
Should be white with dark toenails.
Shall be orange-gold throughout to match the color of the upper body, and the skin underneath shall be dark.
Dull or faded coloring; fur of any other color in the coat; no or little ticking; toenails not of the correct color; white hairs on forehead; dark or banded undercoat.
Dilute Agouti

The top color shall be a golden fawn color, evenly covered with pewter ticking over the back and sides and carried down to a blue at the roots. The belly fur shall be as white as possible. A line of unticked golden fur shall run right along the demarcation line and extend down the outside of the legs. There must be a clear line of demarcation between the golden top color and the white underbelly, with no intermingling of the colors or tendency for either color to cut into the other. The width of the white portion is approximately half the width of the colored upper coat, and just visible when the animal is viewed in profile.
Shall be dark wine colored and encircled with golden fur.
Shall be covered with soft golden fur. A pewter center on the back of the ear is desirable.
Shall be blue gray on top and white below the demarcation line.
Should be white, with a pure white foot desirable. Toenails shall be blue-brown in color.
The top side of the tail shall have the same coloring as the body, ticked with pewter fur and showing a ridge of longer pewter furs beginning mid-way between the tip and the root and ending in an pewter tuft.
Dull, muddy or overly reddish coat; lack of ticking; incorrect toenail color; lack of a clear, gold line of demarcation.
Gray Agouti

The top color shall be a pure white evenly covered with strong, black ticking over the back and sides down to a dark gray at the roots. The overall appearance is a deep gray agouti (black ticked)coloring. The belly shall be as white as possible. There must be a clear line of demarcation between the top color and white belly with no intermingling of the two colors or tendency for either color to run into each other. The width of the white portion is approximately half the width of the colored upper coat, and just visible when the animal is viewed in profile.
Shall be dark and encircled with distinctive white furs.
Shall be covered with fine gray to white fur.
Shall be both black and white, long and bristling.
Should be white, with a pure white foot desirable. Toenails shall be dark.
The top side of the tail shall have the same coloring as the body, ticked with black and showing a ridge of longer black furs beginning mid-way between the tip and the root and ending in an almost black tuft.
Tan or gold fur in the coat; dull or faded coloring; insufficient ticking; toenails not of the correct color.
Polar Fox

The top coat color should be cream down to the roots and lightly ticked with gray. The belly should be white. Consideration should be given to juveniles, as the pup fur is a peach color and the color develops unevenly. Heavier ticking is consistent with age in a senior gerbil. The nose shall appear darker than the rest of the body.
Shall be dark, large and bright.
The ears should be covered with short, fine gray and cream hairs.
Should be gray on top and white below the demarcation line.
Shall be white. Toenails shall be dark in color.
The tail shall be the same color as the back.
Fur of any other color in the coat; toenails not of the right color; molt line; heavier ticking of the points causing them to be darker than the rest of the body.
Yellow Fox

The coat shall be bright golden yellow color shading from the spine to the belly, which should be white. There must not be a clear demarcation between the top color and the white belly. The shading should extend to the head with the forehead being darker and the color reducing towards the eyes, ears and chin. The undercoat shall be yellow.
Shall be ruby, large and bright with clear circles of lighter color fur surrounding them.
Shall be un-pigmented and covered with short soft fine white fur.
Shall be long and bristling. The top most whiskers shall be yellow shading down to the lowest whiskers that shall be white.
Shall be white. Toenails shall be neutral in color.
Shall be golden yellow throughout its length to match the color of the upper body.
Dull or faded coloring; fur of any other color in the coat; toenails not of the right color; white hairs on forehead.